Monday, June 27, 2011


Now first off Im going to start with miss Alicia Keys, honey.. what are you doing. I may not be a fashion MOGUL but im not from the circus either. Frankly I do not understand the new fashion with jumpsuits that are pants, I get the little ones with shorts, they are absolutely fabulous. But she looks ridic..Hair, CHECK, looks great. But honestly shes doing too much here...

 BOB, we get it your music is different you look hot without looking like your an Irish man with those silly socks . COME ON NOW.

AH, now somebody I have something great to say about. His music is amazing, his face is amazing, his clothing, his attitude. BRUNO is amazing. He looks dapper as always.. Must say though, do you guys think he straightens his hair? Kinda weird honestly..


Talk about having a career change, after the whole Destiny's Child break up she seemed to go off the map a tad big. BUT NOW, after her hits such as " Like This" and "Motivation" with Lil Wayne, she surpassed her former band mate Queen B, on the iTunes 100 chart.. Good job Kelly, looking beautiful as always .